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           U-1 L-12
       HOW DO WE

This is the closing lesson of Unit 1, Living Things in Their Environment.

It is a good example of a typical lesson.


Within this lesson's three pages are seven illustrations, a lab activity, and a set of review questions. Note the use of the two-column format and the employment of mostly short sentences, approaches which facilitate a significant amount of self-teaching as well as the integration of outlining.


In the lead-in section (Exploring Science / Historical Steps), students are made aware of two influential women of science. Rachel Carson's work to eliminate the use of DDT is featured, and Jane Goodall's latest book (The Book of Hope) is recommended to students. The process of biomagnification, which was introduced in a previous lesson, is reinforced.


In the content section (entitled To Protect Life, Protect Ecosystems), the terms endangered and extinct are defined, and the distinction is made between natural and human-caused extinctions. Global warming (climate change) is used as an example of a serious problem caused by humans. Some steps being taken to address global warming are then described and illustrated.


[Note: In describing problems caused by humans, the term "man-made" is avoided, since it has an obvious gender bias.]

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