Quotes from former students
"The outlining skills I learned in your 7th grade science class played a critical role in my academic journey. I used (and continue to use!) outlining for note taking and studying throughout high school, college, graduate school, and beyond. Thank you for this essential tool, Mr. Wilhelmi!"
- Mollie
"I struggled with staying organized in middle school. Your class and note-taking techniques were exceptionally well structured and helped me a lot with future courses. It was the first time I was actually taught how to structure my notes in a way that could be used across other subjects."
- Heeba
"When I got to college I was able to write papers far better than most of my classmates because of outlining I was taught in middle school and high school. Certainly not bragging but it was one skill that was very useful for me."
- Erika
"Many of my colleagues have adopted an outline form when emailing detailed content to each other.
It is very helpful. It gets rid of the TLDR (too long didn't read) issue."
- Aumah
"The outlining skills I learned from Mr. Wilhelmi have paid me dividends my whole life both academic and professional. I use outlining to pre plan my business for the week/day/month/year to achieve sales goals, market growth and increase market share. You can't achieve a goal without a plan.
Outlining organizes your thoughts and actions. Thank you sir."
- Aaron
"I created an outline the other day to help my kids pack for a multi-city vacation."
- Austin
"One of the most important aspects of learning that rarely gets taught is HOW to be an efficient and organized student. I attribute much of my success in both my undergrad and post grad programs to learning the basics of a concise outline! It's an invaluable and transferable skill that all should know!
- Amber
"... I used outlining strenuously in law school. ... The first thing I would do ... at the beginning of a course...outline the entire book's table of contents. .. the basic outline helps keep everything in line and organized vs making it up as you go!"
- Lee
"Outlining isn't just a way of learning a particular subject - it's a toolkit for organizing one's thoughts for all sorts of scenarios - writing an article, coordinating renovations, preparing a presentation, balancing a budget, planning a meeting agenda, a vacation itinerary, or a holiday dinner. I don't follow the exact formulas as I was taught, but the core concepts have long since become an intuitive practice of digesting information, organizing my thoughts, and planning ahead."
- Chase